Thursday, 30 September 2010

Tooing and froing

Well here i am back again. I seem to have been fliting back and forward between France and England rather too much. I seem to get the energy and inspiration to start new paintings but usually abandon them nearly finished in one country or the other. The exciting thing is finding them on my return and just adding the last little touch and they are ready for signing.
I feel rather sad that I missed most of the events related to the Chelmsford Art Trail but I am glad that I took part. It seems as if there has been lots of really creative events going on. I am very excited that I will be back in time to attend the Beecroft winter exhibition preview evening. And delighted to see my picture there in the centre of the poster. It has inspired me to bring this painting back to England when we return.
The high spot of today is that I have been accepted as an associate artist at Cuckoo farm Studios.
I have been busy packing my paintings today. As you might have guessed by now I am really missing being in England with my family, friends and fellow artists.


  1. Wonderful news about Cockoo Farm and Centre Stage in the Poster !!

  2. Just great to hear from you again my busy lady so glad all is going so well for you.
